Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dangerous Side Effects

As with any pharmaceuticals, methadone has some scary side effects, many of which endanger the user. One of the biggest problem is respiratory depression, "this usually occurs when pain is abruptly relieved and the sedative effects of the opioids are no longer opposed by the stimulating effects of pain."(Respiratory Depression) The problem with respiratory depression is that it doesn't happen until hours, or even days later, and last much longer than the peak of the analgesic effects, this problem will usually happen to patients whom are new to the daily methadone dosing. Another major concern is cases of QT interval prolongation and arrhythmia, this is mainly a concern for people who are required to take large doses. "An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia the heart can beat too fast, and too slow, or with an irregular rhythm," the site goes on to say that arrhythmia's are primarily harmless, but sometimes they can be serious and even fatal.(Arrhythmia) As I have stated before, and as any doctor or person with common sense would tell you, methadone is dangerous, but if taken correctly, and always safely the less likely something will go wrong.

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