Thursday, November 19, 2009

Coming off Narcotics

You become addicted to a substance after, but not always, prolonged use; this being anywhere from a month to a year depending on the amount of the substance you put into your body.
Anyone can become addicted!
It is a problem that the country as a whole needs to be aware of to stop the loss of employment, loss of family, and loss of personal perspective. Addiction to opiate narcotics is considered the worse type of dependency, this is due to the way it affects the users dopamine, and other chemicals in the brain. When a person becomes addicted to a substance their body tells them they need more of the substance to get the same kind of high, and the more they take the worse the brain is damaged. When a person wants to come off of a drug they start to feel withdrawal symptoms, including: severe pain, diarrhea, muscle spasms, and other bodily malfunctions. The worst thing about coming off a opiate, or opioid, is the lack of dopamine being released in the brain, causing the user to remain depressed, and more like a robot than a functional human being. What doctors do with someone who is not releasing dopamine is to simply prescribe them either Methadone. In some newer cases with people who have had a chance with Methadone, and have still gone back to heroine, or other opiates/opioid, they are then forced to be put on Suboxone. Drug Dependency is a disease, and it should be taken seriously, because the people who suffer from the pain of dependency deserve a second chance to live a productive life.

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