Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Always a Down Side

All you hear about methadone these days is the growing number of deaths each year from methadone poisoning, but do you ever hear how many other people are off of heroine, and other narcotic painkillers? In fact many recovering users would be benefiting so much from methadone that they probably wouldn't mind the potential risk, and in any case isn't taking something prescribed to you by a doctor better than buying something twice as dangerous on the streets? "Methadone is an important and beneficial drug when prescribed and used properly," this was said by Douglas Throckmorton, MD, deputy director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. As of 2004 the drug addiction treatment is required to give out pamphlets on the drug itself, and how to use safely. Dr. Douglas Throckmorton went on to say, "Educational efforts like the one we are announcing today can help prevent the tragedies that occur when methadone is used improperly." (Methadone Safety)

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